Anime Overview:
4000 years have passed since humanity abandoned Earth. Forced to fight an alien form of life, Gnosis, mankind developed KOS-MOS – a battle android with amazing capabilities. When a ship carrying android is being attacked, KOS-MOS gets activated and save its creator, Shion Uzuki. But KOS-MOS doesn’t want to listed her orders and executes some unknown plan.
After their ship destroyed Shion and her companions find themselves thrust into the middle of a battle with Gnosis, U-TIC Organization and their own superiors. Battle with no clear sides…
Other names: ゼノサーガ THE ANIMATION
Source: Game
Episodes: 12
Duration: 23 min per ep
Release Year: 2005
Type: TV Series
Status: Completed
MAL Score: 6.32 /10
Studios: Toei Animation